Tuesday 10 May 2016

Christian Marriage a Covenant Relationship, A View on Marriage


Please take a few minutes, to imagine this scene,  two single (one divorced , the other unmarried)male friends are talking in a bar,  and for some reason,  they start talking about the “M” word here’s a clue it’s not money,  one friend says rather boastfully when I get re-married,  I will expect my new wife to help me pay off all my debts,  his friend thinks to himself, what about loving, supporting, encouraging, blessing,  your new wife, surely this is what marriage is about,  he finds his divorced friend’s comments, narcissistic , but he doesn’t reply because we all know that it’s impossible to say anything to change or challenge his friend’s views,  but he knows in his heart of hearts, then when he finally get married  he will love, support, encourage , bless , support and cherish his wife.

I believe that a Christian Marriage includes all the loving, respecting, honouring, encouraging, blessing and supporting * this list * isn't exhaustive. each other. ie husband and wife

 I believe a marriage is both a covenant relationship and partnership,  were two people (male and female) come together to love each other,  love any children in that relationship and serve God more effectively together than they can on their own etc etc, while writing this post, several married friends at church, come to mind, all of whom are examples of the covenant relationship of marriage,  when I finally get married I will have some great examples of marriage from my friends.

Proverbs 18:22 Nlt The man who finds a wife finds a treasure and he receives favour from the Lord.

Psalm 128:3 Nlt Your wife will be like a fruitful grapevine, flourishing within your home. Your children will be like vigorous young olive trees as they sit around your table.

A Wife of Noble Character Proverbs 31:10-31 New Living Translation.

10 Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?    She is more precious than rubies.

11 Her husband can trust her,    and she will greatly enrich his life.
12 She brings him good, not harm,    all the days of her life.

13 She finds wool and flax    and busily spins it.
14 She is like a merchant’s ship,    bringing her food from afar.
15 She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household    and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.

16 She goes to inspect a field and buys it;    with her earnings she plants a vineyard.
17 She is energetic and strong,    a hard worker.
18 She makes sure her dealings are profitable;    her lamp burns late into the night.

19 Her hands are busy spinning thread,    her fingers twisting fiber.
20 She extends a helping hand to the poor    and opens her arms to the needy.
21 She has no fear of winter for her household,    for everyone has warm clothes.

22 She makes her own bedspreads.    She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns.
23 Her husband is well known at the city gates,    where he sits with the other civic leaders.

24 She makes belted linen garments    and sashes to sell to the merchants.

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity,    and she laughs without fear of the future.
26 When she speaks, her words are wise,    and she gives instructions with kindness.
27 She carefully watches everything in her household    and suffers nothing from laziness.
28 Her children stand and bless her.    Her husband praises her:
29 “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,    but you surpass them all!”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;    but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.

31 Reward her for all she has done.    Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.

1.     God Himself initiated marriage at the beginning of human history. Adam had no part in planning it. Without divine revelation, man cannot understand it; much less make it a part of his experience.
2.    The decision that the man was to marry proceeded from God, not from the man.
3.    God knew the kind of helper that the man needed.  The man did not
4.    God prepared the woman for the man
5.    God presented the woman to the man. The man did not have to go in search for her
6.    God ordained the nature of their life together.  Its end purpose was unity
7.    Jesus upheld God's original plan of marriage as binding on all who would become His disciples. It is still in force today

Some additional thoughts, also from God are a Matchmaker:-

§     That a Christian will enter into marriage not because it is his or her decision, but because it's God's.
§     That a Christian man will trust God both to choose and to prepare the wife he needs.  On the other side, a Christian woman will trust God to prepare her for the husband for whom God has appointed her.
§     That a Christian man, walking in the will of God, will find that God brings to him the wife whom He has chosen and prepared for him.  On the other side, a Christian woman will allow God to lead her to the husband for whom he has been preparing for her.

§     That the end purpose of marriage today is still what is was for Adam & Eve: perfect unity. Only those who fulfil the first three requirements , however, can expect also to enjoy the fulfilment of the end purpose


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