Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 July 2014

My kingdom for the Force! Richard III model blasted for looking like a STORMTROOPER, Daily Express

A model of Richard III has been likened to a stormtrooper from Star Wars
Richard 111 and a Stormtropper , spot the difference.

A MODEL of Richard III which features at a multi-million pound exhibition has today been blasted for looking like a STORMTROOPER from Star Wars.

Experts said a re-creation of the former King's armour was "grotesque" and made him look an Imperial soldier from George Lucas's iconic sci-fi movies.

The model, which is mainly white like a stormtrooper, is on display at the £4million Richard III Visitor Centre which opened in Leicester over the weekend.

Annette Carson, who is part of the Looking for Richard Project, said her team were "saddened and profoundly disappointed" by the exhibition.

Ms Carson wrote online:  "Other grotesque exhibits include the white-painted depiction of the king's armour resembling a Storm Trooper from Star Wars, despite representatives of the council and university having attended the presentation by Dr Tobias Capwell in March 2013 where he described his armour and illustrated its actual probable appearance.

"As an example of the organisers' taste in these matters, it was only by strenuous insistence that we removed the planned visual which was to greet visitors: the central throne was to be drenched in a sickening pool of blood which dropped down to form words written in blood on the floor below."


When I first saw this photo,   I assumed it was the new Star Wars film,   how wrong was that.   Richard 111 needs to have a more accurate armour,  and this disgrace needs to be passed onto JJ Abrams for Star Wars Episode V11.

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