Thursday 15 March 2012

Times, they're a Changing

Times, they’re a Changing:

The Poet & Philosopher, Bob Dylan wrote one of the most memorable and often quoted protest songs of the 1960’s, “Times they’re a changing”.

When we examine our lifestyles today in the early 21st Century we are governed by time, the writer of the Book of Ecclesiastes wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:17b. “For there is a time for every matter and for every work” please read Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 for the context.  Yet today we never seem to have enough time.  We often feel like Lewis Carroll’s Character; “The White Rabbit” running ahead of ourselves to make up or catch up on time.

One of the growth areas in the Business World is the concept of Time Management; there is even a Dummies Guide on Time Management.  My late Grandfather was brilliant in many, many ways, one of which was his time keeping, Has a boy I would walk to and from Church with Him, (which was an honour, privilege and a blessing, because it was our time together), people would often say to Him, because they knew that at 9.30am on a Sunday Morning, he would walk past, that they could set their clocks by him, because he would walk past at that exact time on a Sunday.

Time is one of our precious resources and indeed one of our most precious gifts, we all have 24 hours a day,  7 days a week, 4 weeks to a month, and 12 months to a year, the question is how do we use or spend our time,  we all have access to watches and clocks and even our mobile phones have a way to tell us the time, In the New Testament,  there are two Greek Words that are translated into the English Word Time, these are Chronos and Kairos,  quite simply Chronos means normal time and Kairos means an appointed time for the purpose of God.

We all have friends and family, people who we love, care for, support, bless and encourage,  perhaps, today we can all think of those people around us that we can give one of our greatest gifts, the gift of time, which can be emailing, texting. Phoning, sending a message on Facebook or even going to see or meeting up for a Coffee.

Yours in His Grace

Blair Humphreys

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