Sunday 27 July 2014

Commonwealth Games provide a 'tantalising glimpse' at a YES vote result in Scotland, Daily Express

Scotland, YES Vote, Independence, Independent Vote, Alex Salmond, Alex Salmond Indepence, The Queen Commonwealth Games, Nation, England, Britain, Great Britain, Referendum,

It is a tantalising glimpse of what might become of the UK if there is a "yes" vote in September's independence referendum. Team GB would be no more.

It has proved irresistible to Alex Salmond, the First Minister of Scotland and professional sports fan, who recently spoke about a "self-denying ordinance" under which he would avoid talking about independence during the Games.

He did so with a glint in his eye for he knew such an ordinance would be impossible to enforce.

At least three times over the past week the SNP leader has raised his self-denial and three times he has gone on to break it, for he is happiest when taking potshots at Westminster, while highlighting the fact that most of the countries in the Games achieved their "independence" from the UK was too good an opportunity to miss.

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